Portfolio > City Of Sunderland > Lumiere, Durham, UK, 2017 ~ Index
Lumiere Light Festival arrives in the north-east of England, in the historic City of Durham. The event took place over 4 consecutive nights, between Thursday 16th and Sunday 19th November, 2017. I managed to attend all 4 nights, which meant I was able to cover the majority of the lighting installations that were dotted around the city centre.
Many thousands of visitors attended the festival and at times it was tricky to see some of the installations because of the sheer volume of people traffic. In particular, the riverside walk between Prebends Bridge and Framwellgate Bridge was very popular, although it was a must see part of the whole production. I made the effort to revisit this part of the City on two or three occasions, in the hope of improving, wherever possible, on the shots I'd previously bagged.
On this page you'll find links to four separate galleries. Each one is packed with photographs of Lumiere 2017. The highlights for me was Frequencies (Riverside Walk), Dome and Arches (Market Square), Our Moon (Durham

Castle) and The Common Good (Redhills Miners Hall). Lumiere 2017 did not disappoint and from a photographers perspective, there was photo opps at almost every turn. If you like low-light night photography, with array of light, as I do, then this is the place to be. I'm already looking forward to the next one, in two years time...
LUMIERE 2017 - Gallery 1
(30 Images)
LUMIERE 2017 - Gallery 2
(24 Images)
LUMIERE 2017 - Gallery 3
(24 Images)
LUMIERE 2017 - Gallery 4
(18 Images)