Portfolio > Event Coverage 2 > Lumiere Light Festival 2019, Durham, UK ~ Index
Lumiere 2019, Durham, UK
From a photographers perspective, Lumiere Light Festival is always an event worth looking forward to and 2019 was no exception. In the run up, I like many others, wondered what this years spectacle would unleash and whether it would be better or worse than previous incarnations.
Lumiere 2017 raised the bar to it's highest high, compared to previous years. 2019 had a lot to live up to and it certainly didn't disappoint, as more eye-catching installments came to town, along with many thousands of people, who like me, were in awe of what was served up.
As far as favourites go, the installations that not only caught my eye, but also topped the photogenic charts, were :
~~~ I LOVE DURHAM - a giant snow globe in the Market Place, with its huge neon title within.
~~~ FOGSCAPE - a ghostly shape-shifting vapour that wound its way around the trees and over the river underneath Durham Cathedral.
~~~ END OVER END - a super-sized neon slinky, brightened up the Milburngate site.
~~~ GEOMETRICAL TRACES - mesmerising artwork created 3-D patterns across the trees above Prebends Bridge.
LUMIERE 2019 - Gallery 1
(30 Images)
LUMIERE 2019 - Gallery 2
(25 Images)